Bento on HumpDay

Hidi! Haven't written anything lately, but now I have something to write about lol. I just learned about this packaged lunch called Bento. I looked around on the internet and read a lot of things about it and looked at the pictures. This is what it means: Bentō (弁当, べんとう) is Japanese for a single-portion takeout meal. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables as a side dish. Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware. This is what one would look like, of course you can use your imagination and be creative about what you want to put in it----------------------------------->
You can put whatever you want to fit your personality. Anyway I think I'm going to try it and if it works for me then it'll be my new craze :D Well, that's about it, back to the grind! :D


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